The Fascinating World of Water - Beyond H2O

Have you ever pondered the complexity of water? Did you know that water is essentially two gases combining? It may sound surprising, but the water we know doesn't actually exist!

Water is composed of H2O, two hydrogen atoms (HH), and one oxygen atom (O). An intriguing fact: water is naturally slightly acidic, with a pH between 5 and 7.

H2 acts as the power supplier for our human battery, while O is responsible for oxidation in the body. This is not harmful as long as you maintain a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Water isn't as clean anymore as governments make you believe...

But what happens when water is contaminated with toxins like chemicals, medication residues, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, chlorine, etc.? In such cases, the body requires more antioxidants to protect its cells.

This is where the importance of a fresh diet comes into play! Biophotons from fresh and untreated vegetables and fruits contain solar energy and water with dissolved, ionized minerals and vitamins. The body can efficiently absorb these components, providing antioxidative, cell-protective effects.

Science has discovered that adding electrons to water has health benefits. Hydrogen (H2), the smallest molecule humanity has analyzed, penetrates every cell, including the blood-brain barrier, activating antioxidants like vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10, etc. H2 protects against oxidation, aging, diseases, and fuels cells with the energy needed for ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) production in the mitochondria.

If you give it a try, you'll feel it! More energy, increased clarity, faster recovery, enhanced fitness, and much more.

But beware! Not all devices on the market are equally good. In cheaper variants, everything is combined – ozonized water, oxygen, and hydrogen. The combination of + and - can lead to undesirable oxidative reactions. So, be cautious!

A high-quality device must have a special membrane that separates these molecules and removes unwanted substances.

Here is a link to what I consider the best device , and with the code: 25485 you can even get a €50 discount! Only in Europe I believe.

In the fascinating world of water, there is still much to discover. It's more than just H2O – it's the key to our health and vitality! Stay tuned!

Let me know your opinion in the comments πŸ™πŸ½
